Americans for Intelligence Reform

Brad Johnson, President, and retired CIA Senior Officer and Chief of Staff. Insight into current events from an intelligence angle.

Could the Las Vegas 2017 mass shooting have been Antifa and ISIS?

Americans for Intelligence Reform does not claim this article is truth or fiction. We run this today in memory of Rich Higgins, a Senior Fellow for Americans for Intelligence Reform. While it is interesting reading, whether Mr Higgins took the report seriously or not is unknown. Trump National Security Council Official Received Report on Multiple […]

Sunday Coffee with Jeemes: Tribute to Dad

                                           TRIBUTE TO DAD              by Jeemes Akers                           “He promised us that everything would be okay. I was a child, but I knew that everything would not be okay. That did not make my father a liar. It made him my father.”                                                                             Jonathan […]

Sunday Coffee with Jeeves: A tribute to Al Stapleton

                                     AL STAPLETON: A TRIBUTE  by Jeemes Akers “A single rose can be my garden … a single friend, my world.”                                                                             Leo Buscaglia                                                                                                                       Brenda left me a message on my phone yesterday (Wednesday, February 2, 2022) informing me that my best friend in high school, Charles Alvin Stapleton, had passed away. Al […]

Sunday Coffee with Jeemes: A dinner with Alger Hiss

                                     A DINNER WITH ALGER HISS   “There are chance meetings with strangers that interest us from the first moment, before a word is spoken.”                                                                      Fyodor Dostoyeysky                                                                                                                      Some of you have correctly observed that these missives are my attempt to leave a written record of my life for my children and grandchildren. For […]

Sunday Coffee with Jeemes: Ah, those places

                                                    AH, THOSE PLACES   “What does it actually mean to be in a place? We all move here and there at various times during our lives. Some of these locations, overlapping as they do with particular events or moments, assume extraordinary significance for us. We feel that we would be different people if we had […]

Sunday Coffee with Jeemes: Brooklyn’s Ode

                                           BROOKLYN’S ODE “Our prayers may be awkward. Our attempts may be feeble. But since the power of prayer is in the one who hears it and not in the one who says it, our prayers do make a difference.”                                                                     Max Lucado                                                                                       I pulled a box off the bookshelf in the bedroom […]

Sunday Morning Coffee with Jeemes: To Sir, With Love

                                                    TO SIR, WITH LOVE  by Jeemes Aker Mark Thackeray (played by Sidney Poitier) [entering classroom and seeing smoke] “All you boys, out. Girls stay where you are. Out. [closes door]  Mark Thackeray: “I am sick of your foul language, your crude behavior and your sluttish manner. There are certain things a decent woman keeps private, and only a […]

Sunday Morning Coffee with Jeemes: TREES

                                                             TREES   By Jeemes Aker “There is more to life than measuring its speed.  Let me look upward into the branches of the towering oak,  and know that it grew great and strong  because it grew slowly and well.  Slow me down, Lord, and inspire me  to send my roots deep into the soil of life’s enduring […]

Sunday Morning Coffee with Jeemes: A Very Strange Christmas Indeed

                                          A Very Strange Christmas Indeed    by Jeeems Akers “I will honor Christmas in my heart, and try to keep it all year.”                                                                                               Charles Dickens                                                                                                                      To say this has been an unusual Christmas season is a gross understatement.   As I write this missive, I’m back at home in Springboro, Ohio. Today, we visited dad in […]

Sunday Morning Coffee with Jeemes: VISION IN ACTION: A DAY WITH DANITA’S KIDS       

                           VISION IN ACTION: A DAY WITH DANITA’S KIDS “The only thing worse than being blind is having sight but no vision.”    Helen Keller   “Vision without action is merely a dream. Action without vision just passes the time. Vision with action can change the world.”                                                                                          Joel A. Barker   “When God is […]