Americans for Intelligence Reform

Brad Johnson, President, and retired CIA Senior Officer and Chief of Staff. Insight into current events from an intelligence angle.

The Mentoring Legacy of Rush Limbaugh

Brad Johnson gives tribute to the life of Mr. Limbaugh by highlighting William F Buckely’s mentorship and how Rush freely did the same for many.


Brad Johnson, CIA Chief of Station (Ret.), is President of Americans for Intelligence Reform and brings his 25 years of experience as a CIA Operative and Chief of Station serving multiple times overseas in direct support of the War against Terrorism. Mr. Johnson is a certified senior expert in Counterintelligence issues with extensive direct experience in the field. He brings you his unique perspective from deep, international experience and conservative, Christian values.  Now retired, he formed Americans for Intelligence Reform to fight exactly the corruption and politics destroying our intelligence capabilities and threatening our national security.


He is an enrolled member of The Cherokee Nation, a Federally Recognized Tribe.


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“Dear Mother, I am writing from the trenches. It is 11:00 in the morning. Beside me is a coke fire, opposite me a ‘dug-out’ (wet)

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