Americans for Intelligence Reform

Brad Johnson, President, and retired CIA Senior Officer and Chief of Staff. Insight into current events from an intelligence angle.

Erdogan puts Israel next in list for conquest

Dems endless war against Trump keep his hands too full to respond to Erdogan’s increasing aggression towards Greece, Israel and key Christian holdings. Brad Johnson warns of potential for Erdogan to start war. Watch his analysis of developments since Erdogan seized Hagia Sofia and the implications of his increasingly dangerous behavior. Libya, Syria, Russia and […]

Happy little daisy seeds in those mail packets from China? Maybe not.

What is going on with these mysterious, unsolicited seed packs thousands got in the mail from China? Some kind of weird marketing ploy? An invasive species guaranteed to increase the misery of 2020? A cure-all medicinal miracle plant? Why would anyone go to all that expense? Brad Johnson says it reminds him of another CCP […]

The ugliness in Portland shows who supports violence for political gain.

Events in Portland are out of control and elected officials exacerbate the unrest by catering to a group bent on revolution. Brad Johnson, retired senior CIA officer and president of Americans for Intelligence Reform, analyzes how Antifa has all but taken control of politicians in WA and OR. [expander_maker id=”8″ more=”Click for entire transcript” […]

Brad Johnson on coming indictments against the Deep State

Developments: Senator Graham, head of Judiciary for Senate is working with Dir National Intelligence examining now declassified correspondence of Peter Strzok. Mark Meadows, Trump’s Chief of Staff, is pushing hard to move indictments forward along with House Rep Nunes. There’s a list of corrupt democrats in high places. Brad has been covering this for two […]

Brad Johnson says there is no Clinton Dead Pool or Arkanicide but…

Finding the controversy surrounding this long-running conspiracy theory entertaining, Brad concludes it is very unlikely to be true. Enjoy his summation of the theory and what he thinks as a former CIA Operative of 25 years. Learn why crashing planes worked so well for the former KGB. President of the non-profit Americans for Intelligence Reform, […]

Brad Johnson discusses poor condition of CIA on American Political Zone

Gutted by the former administration, the CIA finds it very difficult to know what’s going in trouble spots. Brad Johnson traces the origin to Deep State corruption. Trump’s lack of experience, and what can/should be done to correct this dangerous condition. [expander_maker id=”8″ more=”Click for entire transcript” less=”Read less”] [Music] 00:14 do 00:22 welcome […]

Link to Laura-Lynn & Friends with Brad Johnson on Canada’s security problems

A lively discussion about Canada’s Islamic and radical leftist problems and the importance of this election. Hopefully, it is not too late in Canada to rise against radicalism. U.S. citizens need to understand the threat here too. [expander_maker id=”8″ more=”Click for entire transcript” less=”Read less”] you 00:24 oh that took a while okay hello […]

Iranian Power Plant Explosion – Who did it? Claiming full function was restored in two hours, photos of the latest explosion in Iran suggest, uh, not quite. By the videos and from his experience, Brad Johnson suggests it was strategic and put together by a trained, funded, well-organized and very serious group. Is it Mossad? Is it an Iranian opposition group? The […]

McFiles Network interview: Durham Report Looms, Deep State lies, China & Turkey

  While this interview focuses on the Durham Report and (hopefully) the indictments coming from it, Brad Johnson and Christopher McDonald discuss more about the Deep State, the FBI, the pandemic, China, and Turkey. The threads come together as you will see. Brad is former CIA Chief of Station and President of Americans for Intelligence […]

Brad Johnson on Laura-Lynn & Friends Show re Canada’s election

A lively discussion about Canada’s Islamic and radical leftist problems and the importance of this election. Hopefully, it is not too late in Canada to rise against radicalism. U.S. citizens need to understand the threat here too.   [expander_maker id=”8″ more=”Click for entire transcript” less=”Read less”] you 00:24 oh that took a while okay […]