Americans for Intelligence Reform

Brad Johnson, President, and retired CIA Senior Officer and Chief of Staff. Insight into current events from an intelligence angle.

Throwback to: Epoch Times op-ed: Historical disinformation campaigns

Antifa militants march with counter protesters, opposing alt-right rally in Berkeley, Aug. 5, 2018. (Amy Osborne/AFP/Getty Images) VIEWPOINTS Great Disinformation Campaigns From History That Live On and Prosper Today Brad Johnson CONTRIBUTOR January 28, 2019 Updated: February 10, 2019   Print Commentary Two of the most successful intelligence disinformation campaigns that survive today were put forth by British […]

Expansionist China targets Taiwan

With Hong Kong the latest conquest of the Chinese Communist Party’s expansionist plan, Taiwan is next. Brad Johnson points out the encroachment into the Taiwan straights, China’s false claims to it and the stakes. In addition, China has invested millions into small countries through predatory loans sure to end up in default. What does all […]