Americans for Intelligence Reform

Brad Johnson, President, and retired CIA Senior Officer and Chief of Staff. Insight into current events from an intelligence angle.

Kamala Harris: Toxic Boss

Brad Johnson explores why VP Harris cannot keep staff positions full. Founder of Americans for Intelligence Reform, a non-profit organization, Brad retired after 25 years as a Senior Operative with the CIA. His multiple stations included areas fighting terrorism, and those succumbing to lawlessness, human rights violations, and communism. At AIR we publish what you […]

Admiral Aquilino is the man to learn from

Who is Navy Admiral John Aquilino and why he is so important in the Indo-China region he commands? Brad Johnson explains why this man has the knowledge and guts to handle that tinder-box part of the world.  

Sunday Coffee with Jeemes: “Grace” in the Netizen World

               ”GRACE” IN THE NETIZEN WORLD                                          “That which is now already has been, and that which is to be already has been; and God seeks that which has passed by (so that history repeats itself).” Ecclesiastes 3:15 (Amplified)   “A worldview is something that everybody has … Most people don’t even realize it, […]

Small businesses unprotected by cops and government

Progressives’ decriminalizing laws directly increase crimes, robbery being one. In the Flatiron, NYC section, a small spa was attacked by three smash and grab thieves. Although they were chased by the owner, whom they assaulted, they got away. Small businesses, the backbone of the economy, will be unsustainable if criminals are not captured, tried, and […]

Bloomberg “beans” article hints at rationed medical care??

Want to reduce the effects of inflation? Don’t treat your animals for cancer if you make under $300,000. Brad Johnson points out Marxism uses incrementalism to gradually change a free system into a communist one. Having lived in communist countries, he explains medical treatments are rationed and excludes “non-contributing” citizens such as seniors. For a […]

New York Times admits Hunter’s laptop is real – why?

No, the New York Times should not be applauded for finally admitting the truth about Hunter Biden’s laptop. Brad Johnson explains what their motives may truly be. Brad Johnson retired as a Senior Operations Officer and Chief of Station with the Central Intelligence Agency’s Directorate of Operations. During his 25 years with the CIA, he […]

Stop griping about inflation – just eat beans!

Rather than address the root causes of inflation to prevent crashing the economy, we get helpful information from Bloomberg to suck it up. Biden seems to agree. Do we want total government control or do we want to preserve freedom? November looms, says Brad Johnson, and it’s our. choice.  

10,000 uncounted votes in Texas. We want to know why.

Under threat of being labeled a domestic terrorist, American citizens who want incidents like this investigated continue to be silenced. An investigation in Harris County, Texas, uncovered 10,000 uncounted ballots. Where is the investigation? Not being done by the politicized, weaponized FBI we tax payers support. How can elections be trusted? Brad Johnson retired as […]

Sunday Coffee with Jeemes: Ukraine: historical comparisons

              UKRAINE: HISTORICAL COMPARISONS                                        by Jeemes Akers “At the heart of the Ukrainian crisis lies a fundamental question about the nature of history and the nature of humanity: is change possible? Can humans change the way they behave, or does history repeat itself endlessly, with humans forever condemned to re-enact past tragedies without changing […]

Biden backpedals help to Ukraine with fighter jets

As predicted last week, Poland called on the U.S. promise to provide and stage air defense planes to Ukraine. Uh, no, said the Biden Administration. Even after sweetening the deal with the offer of Migs and pilots, Poland was rejected. Why make deals with the U.S. when you only get empty promises?  Related video: […]