God’s Blast from the past: Promise Keepers
GOD’S BLAST FROM THE PAST: PROMISE KEEPERS “Iron sharpeneth iron; So a man sharpeneth the countenance of his friend.” Proverbs 27:17 “Our generation put a man on the moon; this generation has put a man in the girl’s bathroom.” Mario Murrillo A week ago today, I was walking through the […]
Inside the Russian mind: the concept of KATECHON
INSIDE THE RUSSIAN MIND: THE CONCEPT OF KATECHON “Perhaps Russia’s extraordinary geography played a part, or the unique historical role of Russian Orthodox Christianity in Russian state-formation, but Russian thought has lent itself to the idea of Russians being a chosen people, with a special historical role, not only in relation to the Russian nation, […]
Zogby poll is a warning FOR the Democrats
Zogby did a poll that’s interesting – Zogby poll is a warning FOR the Democrats .The poll says that 70% among independents disapprove of how the country is headed and vast majority 63% were unhappy saying that Biden was doing a poor job. Only a very small percentage just over 10% thought he was doing […]
Who really runs the government right now?
Sam Bankman Freed was the second largest donor to Biden in the last presidential election. He met with Steve Riccetti, who’s the former chairman of the Biden presidential campaign before his company went bust. Who really runs the government right now? And here’s your answers. This is not a coincidence. These meetings with the President […]
Brad Johnson with Americans for Intelligence Reform on what plagues our Nation
Brad Johnson with Americans for Intelligence Reform on what plagues our Nation. Civil Unrest, Crazy Weather, Failure to uphold the law, and more… This is a Wake up call for our Nation…
Ode to William (“Bill”) Phillips
ODE TO WILLIAM (“BILL”) PHILLIPS “… I will never have it that God created any man, especially any Christian man, to be a blank, and to be a nothing. He made you for an end. Find out what that end is; find out your own niche and fill it. If it be ever so […]
2023: A year of God’s Goodness
2023: A YEAR OF GOD’S GOODNESS “Goodness consists not in the outward things we do, but in the inward thing we are.” E.H. Chapins My original intent was that my first missive of 2023 would be a blistering review of things going wrong in our world on so many fronts. To this end, […]