Americans for Intelligence Reform

Brad Johnson, President, and retired CIA Senior Officer and Chief of Staff. Insight into current events from an intelligence angle.


In late 2019 a student pilot from Saudi Arabia committed a terrorist attack for Allah on the U.S. Naval Air Station in Pensacola, Florida, while a couple of his Saudi colleagues filmed it. This has caused a recycling of all the accusations against Saudi Arabia over the last couple of decades: –Saudi Arabia has been […]

Brad Johnson on gun control update in Virginia [expander_maker id=”8″ more=”Click for entire transcript” less=”Read less”] Brad Johnson December 23rd you know I 00:03 recently read this incredible article 00:05 about it was written by kind of like a 00:08 mathematical statistician on the 00:11 likelihood of catastrophes and he said 00:13 that there’s a 32% chance over the 00:18 course of […]

Brad Johnson on Jamal Khashoggi update [expander_maker id=”8″ more=”Click for entire transcript” less=”Read less”] brad johnson 23rd of december and there 00:03 is much discussed let’s begin with 00:05 Khashoggi who is probably one of the 00:08 most interesting propaganda weapons 00:10 against President Trump I guess somehow 00:12 they twisted a Muslim Brotherhood 00:15 operative that was shot in […]

Brad Johnson on Boris Johnson and Brexit [expander_maker id=”8″ more=”Click for entire transcript” less=”Read less”] 0:00:00.000,0:00:06.750 Brad Johnson December 13th Boris Johnson 0:00:03.179,0:00:09.840 has just won the UK election and as they 0:00:06.750,0:00:11.849 use first-past-the-post although the 0:00:09.840,0:00:13.860 actual number of votes wasn’t that much 0:00:11.849,0:00:15.540 higher than Labor the number of seats 0:00:13.860,0:00:18.539 was dramatically higher which the same 0:00:15.540,0:00:20.699 […]

Brad Johnson December 18, 2019 update on impeachment process [expander_maker id=”8″ more=”Click for entire transcript” less=”Read less”] 0:00:00.030,0:00:06.600 Brad Johnson it is December 18 20 19 and 0:00:04.069,0:00:08.670 it’s getting quite dense it’s getting 0:00:06.600,0:00:11.570 quite information dense out there in 0:00:08.670,0:00:13.799 terms of the impeachment thing there are 0:00:11.570,0:00:15.389 there’s a lot of information coming out 0:00:13.799,0:00:17.010 on both sides which you […]

Killing of Maryland man by police [expander_maker id=”8″ more=”Click for entire transcript” less=”Read less”] 0:00:00.030,0:00:06.990 Brad Johnson it is December the 13th 0:00:04.069,0:00:08.690 2019 and there’s a story that caught my 0:00:06.990,0:00:12.360 attention I really like you to speak to 0:00:08.690,0:00:14.580 it was in Maryland where a gentleman had 0:00:12.360,0:00:16.170 been reported by an unnamed source as 0:00:14.580,0:00:18.119 far as […]

Brad Johnson on impeachment status December 13th, 2019 [expander_maker id=”8″ more=”Click here for entire transcript” less=”Read less”] 0:00:00.060,0:00:06.779 Brad Johnson retired CIA chief of 0:00:03.240,0:00:10.730 station Eastern Europe by gathering and 0:00:06.779,0:00:13.769 you have been following these bizarre 0:00:10.730,0:00:15.509 impeachment proceedings which are you 0:00:13.769,0:00:18.119 know remain baffling to me as much as I 0:00:15.509,0:00:19.710 try to understand what’s going on to […]

December 10th update of DOJ IG report with Brad Johnson [expander_maker id=”8″ more=”Click for entire transcript” less=”Read less”] we are on December 10th it is it is just 00:04 the most intense chaotic political 00:07 theater I think by now most people who 00:10 have you know got in to watch this are 00:12 starting to ask for their money back yes 00:16 so […]

06-10 DECEMBER Arabic language news summary By Barry Webb

  ANTI-IRANIAN PROTESTS During the weekend of 06-09 December the sin’aat al-mawt program on the Saudi-owned al-arabiyya TV covered the Iranian interference in the demonstrations/revolts taking place in Iran, Iraq, and Lebanon. The Iranian and Iraqi dissidents interviewed for the show claim that Iran has been using its baseej personnel to physically attack demonstrators in […]

Impeachment update   [expander_maker id=”8″ more=”Click for entire transcript” less=”Read less”] Brad Johnson it is December the 4th 2019 00:03 the impeachment nonsense is steamrolling 00:06 in multiple directions very difficult to 00:08 track can you give us an update on where 00:10 whatever is going on is that and what 00:13 meaning it has and […]