Oddities of Islam series- Slavery by Barry Webb
https://youtu.be/cmPBvy0p8-E For the entire transcript of this interview, please continue reading.
On July 22, 2019, al-arabiyya TV news reported that a NYT radio cast reported on Qatar’s support for terrorism in Somalia. But, of course, at Americans for Intelligence Reform we have been reporting on Qatar’s (and Turkey’s) support for terrorism since the moment we joined. This is a huge leap for the NYT which heretofore […]
Barry Webb on self scrifice in Islam
https://youtu.be/kBYkbO0oQJ4 For the entire transcript of this interview, please continue reading.
MARTYR IDEOLOGY By Barry Webb, Senior Fellow at AIR
In a previous video interview with www.vladtepesblog.com we discussed the phenomenon of human sacrifice in Islam as pertaining to the inclination of HAMAS and other Islamist groups (both Shi’a and Sunni) to deliberately put children and other civilians in harms way during wartime, and explained that justification by quoting Islamic jurisprudence (al-Masri, ‘umdat as-Salik pp. […]
Human sacrifice in Islam, Barry Webb retired NSA Arabist
https://youtu.be/WEmRJu_scIM For the entire transcript of this interview, please continue reading.
Weekly Arabic language news update, July 18, 2019 by Barry Webb
https://youtu.be/IIIEjNVCmGo For the entire transcript of this interview, please continue reading.
QATAR SPECIAL REPORT By Barry Webb, weapons sales to Qatar
Saudi and Egyptian news media are all up in arms today (15-16 July) over American and European arms sales to Qatar. These reports come in the wake of reports out of Italy that Italian authorities have busted a neo-Nazi group and found in their possession a French Matra (air-to-air) missile. The group has no Airforce […]
Weekly Arabic language news reporting by Barry Webb, 15 July 2019
On 12 July, the al-arabiyya TV show sin’at al-mawt (Industry of death) featured an interview with a European counter terrorism expert. According to this individual, ISIS, al-Qaeda, and Iran are all active in Europe. However, some Europeans who fought in Iraq and Syria for ISIS went to Libya, others to Afghanistan, and yet others to […]
Speculation on problems between China and Canada
https://youtu.be/LJM1RFsSjik For the entire transcript of this interview, please continue reading.
Barry Webb weekly Arabic language news update, 11 July 2019
https://youtu.be/jY5tsYPeQLE For the entire transcript of this interview, please continue reading.