Current pandemic events analyzed by CIA Operative
Recent debate swirling over the pandemic has many confused. New discoveries, scientists at odds, Governors abusing power, economic distress and the escalating use of COVID as a political weapon – what is going on here? Brad Johnson, retired Senior CIA Operative and President for Intelligence Reform, applies his experience in an analysis of current events. […]
Cannibalism in cereal commercials? A leftist attack on West.
Noticing something odd about a breakfast cereal commercial, Brad Johnson, retired Senior CIA Officer and President of Americans for Intelligence Reform, couldn’t help but noticing it again and again. It was animated, humanized breakfast cereal characters eating each other.( Now that you can never un-hear that, you will be looking everywhere for examples. It appears […]
Analysis: Venezuelian thwarted coup, the truth and the probable outcomes.
In early May, a somewhat odd team of 300 made an attempt to capture President Maduro. They were quickly thwarted and detained (including some ex-US military.) Brad Johnson, retired Senior CIA Officer/Chief of Station and President of Americans for Intelligence Reform, delves into the intrigue from an Intelligence Community perspective and untangles an intricate web […]