Jeemes Akers with an update of Eastern Kentucky floods
FLOODS IN THE MOUNTAINS By Jeemes Akers “A spirit of practicality had come to her aid. It was only human. When the earthquake stops, when the flood recedes, when the volcanic dust settles or the guns fall silent, the survivors pick their way through the rubble and debris and wreckage. A chair leg here, […]
Wisconsin’s Robin Vos: hidden danger within the GOP
Robin Vos, a hidden danger? Robin Vos, the speaker for the Wisconsin state legislature, was first elected in 2005. He is from the same Rino cauldron that controls Wisconsin State politics and is clearly the most influential long term, state level politician and has been for many years. Too much power for too long of […]
Sunday Coffee with Jeemes: The day the music died
THE DAY THE MUSIC DIED “And the three men I admire most The Father, Son, and the Holy Ghost They caught the last train for the coast The day the music died.” Don McLean American Pie 1971 What a whirlwind the last few days have been! […]
Ukraine President Zelensky cleans house, firing at least 70
Even Zelensky’s close childhood friend, Ivan Bakanov was tossed out. Head of Ukraine’s Security Services, Bakanov is just one of dozens in Zelensky’s intelligence agencies fired for suspicion of cooperating with Russia. Did the CIA help? Five Eyes? Founder of Americans for Intelligence Reform, a non-profit organization, Brad retired after 25 years as a Senior […]
In appreciation of the Supreme Court
Brad Johnson discusses recent rulings of the Supreme Court. Founder of Americans for Intelligence Reform, a non-profit organization, Brad retired after 25 years as a Senior Operative with the CIA. His multiple stations included areas fighting terrorism, and those succumbing to lawlessness, human rights violations, and communism. At AIR we publish what you need to […]
Former White House Virus Response Coordinator says China withheld info
Constantly criticized for his “slow” response to COVID-19, President Trump was vindicated on a key point. Trump appointee, Deborah Birx, MD, now says China withheld information about the severity. For a lot of us, we told you so… Founder of Americans for Intelligence Reform, a non-profit organization, Brad retired after 25 years as a […]
Pelosi’s strike gold on another brilliant stock pick
We can’t say for sure what happened, but questions? Yes. Those we have. How about you? Founder of Americans for Intelligence Reform, a non-profit organization, Brad retired after 25 years as a Senior Operative with the CIA. His multiple stations included areas fighting terrorism, and those succumbing to lawlessness, human rights violations, and communism. […]
Sunday Coffee with Jeemes: Thoughts on my favorite pastime, eating
THOUGHTS ON MY FAVORITE PASTIME: EATING “We didn’t fight our way to the top of the food chain to eat lettuce.” Larry Hanger These days, both Ima and I are on a strict Keto diet—me by necessity driven by excessively high blood pressure and AIC numbers, Ima by choice […]
What’s behind one million new registered Republicans?
The far left seems to have pushed too hard against the traditional liberal politics of Democrats. Where else can family-oriented, Christian Democrats go? At least they are welcome as Republicans.
Sunday Coffee with Jeemes: Gen C and artificial intelligence
GEN C AND ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE “If you give corporations and armies the technology to start messing with our DNA, to start messing with our brains, they may amplify certain human qualities that they need, like discipline … meanwhile, they don’t need other human qualities like compassion or artistic sensitivity or spirituality.” Yuval Noah […]