Why are British RAF pilots training Chinese combat pilots?
Brad Johnson explores this strange move by the Brits who offered excellent money for their own Air Force pilots to train Chinese pilots in combat flight. Follow us on: Rumble: AmericansForintelligenceReform Bitchute: Americans for Intelligence Reform YouTube: Brad Johnson channel Facebook: Americans for Intelligence Reform Twitter: Americans for Intelligence Reform
Trump on the campaign trail
What lessons has former President Donald Trump learned? Brad Johnson discusses what Trump is up to as the mid-term elections loom. Founder of Americans for Intelligence Reform, a non-profit organization, Brad retired after 25 years as a Senior Operative with the CIA. His multiple stations included areas fighting terrorism, and those succumbing to lawlessness, human […]
Sunday Coffee with Jeemes: A mind-“Neom”ing future
A MIND-“NEOM”ING FUTURE VISION “I want to be clear about this—Neom is a complex, bold, and highly ambitious undertaking and is most certainly not an easy one to deliver … But we are making strong progress, and it’s exciting to see the vision come to life.” Antoni Vivas1 Our grand trek is […]
Putin’s strategy against the European Union
Brad Johnson explains his shifting view on the Nord Stream explosion and who Russia as the likely culprit. Putin, while evil man, is an intelligent strategist. How can he be outmaneuvered? Biden?
AIR on the Campaign Trail: Montana Supreme Court election 2022
Brad Johnson and Americans for Intelligence Reform have endorsed conservative Constitutionalist James Brown for Montana’s Supreme Court. Law and order is one of the first pillars socialists destroy. These “small” elections are critical. Hear more about James Brown as a candidate and what he faces.
Election integrity and other mid-term reflections
Brad Johnson discusses several issues related to the upcoming mid-term elections.