Speaker of the house – a lame duck
Anyone at any time can call for a vote on the speaker. Speaker of the house – a lame duck. Big in the news right now, of course, is that McCarthy was finally elected speaker of the House. He`s the old fashioned type of Republican that just kind of plays it out of both sides […]
Big Picture: Jim Jordan and Gaetz are winners, McCarthy – is not
Big Winners and Losers. So Kevin McCarthy has now been elected speaker of the House on the Republican side. Yay. Not a huge fan of McCarthy, as I’ve said many times through the years, even back during the presidency of Donald Trump. However, I think a couple of things that are important, we’ve touched on […]
CIA, FBI, DOJ are all broken – we need reform NOW
TRANSCRIPT : CIA to get out of politics and get back to their jobs. CIA and the FBI and the DOJ are broken. Out of all of this Twitter stuff, I’m touching on all of the Twitter revelations that are coming up, that are coming out rather from time to time kind of piecemeal, and […]
Kevin Evans got GASLIT
Not very much reporting in the United States – got quite a little bit of reporting overseas. But there is a Colorado lawyer named Kevin Evans. Kevin Evans got GASLIT. Good for him. He’s a guy who’s got a lot of background, apparently, in FOIA, the Freedom Of Information Act, which basically is you can […]