Americans for Intelligence Reform

Brad Johnson, President, and retired CIA Senior Officer and Chief of Staff. Insight into current events from an intelligence angle.

Two faced Trudeau comments by President Trump     [expander_maker id=”8″ more=”Click for entire transcript” less=”Read less”] president Trump belatedly called Prime 00:05 Minister Trudeau two-faced in a video 00:07 and I just saw it today I guess it was 00:09 reasons today and I think most people 00:12 are assuming that it’s because Trudeau 00:15 was mocking him behind his […]

Epstein ranch, impeachment and more. Brad Johnson on the McFiles [expander_maker id=”8″ more=”Click for entire transcript” less=”Read less”] 1 00:00:02,710 –> 00:00:34,180 [Music] 2 00:00:34,180 –> 00:00:34,190 3 00:00:34,190 –> 00:00:44,870 [Music] 4 00:00:44,870 –> 00:00:44,880 5 00:00:44,880 –> 00:00:58,170 [Music] 6 00:00:58,170 –> 00:00:58,180 7 00:00:58,180 –> 00:01:00,310 and a good evening to everyone Chris 8 00:01:00,310 –> 00:01:00,320 and a good evening […]

Brad Johnson on the Break it Down Show     [expander_maker id=”8″ more=”Click for entire transcript” less=”Read less”] hey everybody its PJ Turner executive 00:02 producer and host of the break it down 00:04 show today’s guest is a guy named Brad 00:06 Johnson who was the station chief for 00:09 the CIA and that means that this is a 00:11 spy […]

Why Lisa Paige is taking the risk of going public     [expander_maker id=”8″ more=”Click for entire transcript” less=”Read less”] Brad Johnson it is December the 4th 2019 00:03 very nearly the end of it and you know 00:06 it’s very difficult it remains difficult 00:09 to really track all of this craziness 00:12 from the Democrats or the responses are 00:16 the only […]

30 NOVEMBER-03 DECEMBER Arabic language media summary By Barry Webb

  IRAQ/ISIS An entity calling itself “The Iraqi Media Security Cell” has announced on twitter that it has just arrested a major lieutenant of the late ISIS leader al-Baghdadi. This fellow called himself Abu Khaldun, though his real name is Hamid Shakir Saba’ al-Badri. According to a report on al-arabiyya he was caught by Iraqi […]

November 23-25 Middle East Arab language media analysis by Barry Webb

  ANTI-IRANIAN DEMONSTRATIONS The Lebanese have been demonstrating for weeks against Hezbollah’s control of their government, which is just another way of saying that they are demonstrating against Iran’s control of their country by proxy. They are demanding a new government of technocrats not connected with any political party be appointed to run the government. […]

Brad Johnson on Deep State Coup Network     [expander_maker id=”8″ more=”Click for transcript” less=”Read less”] if charmella was on the airplane and 00:01 hunter was on the airplane 00:03 that’s huge remember when they went to 00:06 China the fact that hunter was on the 00:08 airplane came up over and over again you 00:10 know did you talk to […]

Brad Johnson on why impeachment hearings are really taking place     brad johnson today is the third and you 00:03 tell me this is the final day of the 00:05 impeachment hearings i guess that’s good 00:06 news i mean it’s gonna be rough on the 00:09 National Enquirer I suppose please like 00:13 give us some sanity on this yeah today’s 00:16 […]

15-18 November Arab language press Report by Barry Webb

IRAN/SHI’A CRESCENT An “Arab Spring” 2.0 revolt of sorts has been taking place in both Iraq and Lebanon for the past several weeks. These massive, country-wide demonstrations in both countries have taken on an anti-Iran flavor–even in the Shi’a-dominated regions of Iraq. These demonstrations, particularly in southern Iraq have become rather violent with live rounds […]

Week two of empeachment inquiry       okay Brad will it’s impeachment day it’s 00:03 it’s Wednesday afternoon and I’ve been 00:06 watching the hearings off and on and I’d 00:08 have to say that the ship hasn’t landed 00:12 many punches the two ambassadors if 00:15 these are the star witnesses it’s it’s 00:17 it’s pretty weak […]