Americans for Intelligence Reform

Brad Johnson, President, and retired CIA Senior Officer and Chief of Staff. Insight into current events from an intelligence angle.

Speaker of the house – a lame duck

Anyone at any time can call for a vote on the speaker. Speaker of the house – a lame duck. Big in the news right now, of course, is that McCarthy was finally elected speaker of the House. He`s the old fashioned type of Republican that just kind of plays it out of both sides of his mouth and tries to be everything for everyone, something that I hope is kind of fading from the realm of possibility. You know, they play to their base all the time, and the Republicans try to be everything for everyone. So it`s one of those things where the Republican Party and people like McCarthy have just gotten lost along the way.

I talk to them, I go to meetings that they go to, and so I`m around this sort of stuff, and they`re fully convinced the Republican mainstream, the old fashioned Republicans like McCarthy, just view this as, well, that`s the only way we`re ever going to get elected. The only reason he got elected was because of the popularity of Reagan and George Bush. He had the coat tales of the Reagan legacy and based on the popularity of Reagan, was able to get the son elected people thought that he would do a better conservative job of it. I mean, don`t think that I`m suggesting anything that`s different, which is why he was willing to get along with Trump, but he was talking Trump out of one side of his mouth and talking to these mainstream Republicans that are basically rhinos out of the other side of his mouth.

To get elected to be the speaker, big deal. To be elected speaker, it`s important. And there are they`re starting to become a fairly vocal important minority within the Republican Party, which that`s where my heart lies. So proud of them for having done that and dug in their heels here to make McCarthy give them concessions, one of which is they can call a vote for speaker anytime they want. Anyone at any time can call for a vote on the speaker. Now. The very vocal minority Republicans who are conservatives now are important and so we`re going to see their influence on budget issues and all of these things out into the future.

McCarthy is basically a lame duck speaker at this point because he has to hold all the votes, he has to hold all the Republican votes in order to get anything accomplished. Reminder – NOW Anyone at any time can call for a vote on the speaker. Speaker of the house – a lame duck.

Brad Johnson with Americans for Intelligence Reform

BRAD⚡CASTING from the AIR Studios just outside of Washington, DC.


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