Brad Johnson, President, and retired CIA Senior Officer and Chief of Staff. Insight into current events from an intelligence angle.
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Shelley D. Bayless
Shelley D. Bayless
3 years ago

Thank you all so much! You summarized everything so well. I am pissed off at everything these Coup-plotting Insurrectionists are doing to our country, but don’t know what to do and feel helpless. I contacted the local Tallahassee, FL Republican Party 2 years ago to volunteer, called several times and emailed and never got a response. I just called again and left a message. If they ignore me again, I’ll make them regret it.

Our City Council allowed Black Lives Matter to paint their Communist Manifest Mural on our city streets using our tax dollars, and they refuse to remove it. I’m a Black American and I know they care NOTHING about Black people. It’s just like a dog marking it’s territory. I’m angry about everything these Communist Marxist Insurrectionists have done to our country, especially the stolen election and the frame-up smear campaign of Trump supporters on Jan. 6. Now they are moving fast to destroy the nation.

Again, thank you so much! I stand with you. Thank you for standing with and for us.

Shelley D. Bayless

3 years ago

Sand kickers –
I served in the Army my proudest days were being with my buddies in the Army –
Today , I often think about my grandfather a Marine who fought on Iwo Jima and always taught me to give someone a helping hand if they needed it . That era all those guys seemed to be more worried about helping other then themselves .
So , I do applaud Generals speaking out , I myself will not make comments on the commander in Chief . Maybe it was Ft.Bragg or SETAF or my Grandfather- but I will not disrespect the office of the President –
This seems to be the norm now but I do respect the concerns of the officers that expressed them outside any remarks
Of the Commander in Chief –
I will say this of your kicking sand in your fellow Americans face your a “ sand kicker” at Ft.Bragg we didn’t like that so to whomever you are if your here in America particular if your in a leadership role – stop turnaround and lift somebody up – We are all Americans
And if your communist hide – your not wanted

Zulu cello
Zulu cello
3 years ago
Reply to  Zulucello

I wanted clarify that the above signees are not sand kickers – and it is their right to express their thoughts .

3 years ago
Reply to  Zulucello

Speaking of sand – get your head out of it – this is a concerted effort to disassemble America – if Hitler were running the country would you not “disrespect” the office? Something worse than Hitler is running our country now and you dam well better put your head on straight and FIGHT against it in any way possible. It is already too late – Biden is not running anything. It is George Soros, hussein obama and the communist party who are running it. What has been done in public so far will take a generation to undo and some of it can’t be changed. And what is being done in secret will scare the hell out of you. Get off your arse and help us fight this evil.

Zulu cello
Zulu cello
3 years ago
Reply to  Richard

You assume my head is in the sand additionally you assume I’m not doing anything to help America. Assume
Well we know what it means when you assume right. My point is and always will be Americans can say and do what they want but I’m striving for a day when our President whomever is might be has the weight of the office behind him thus the American people .
Then this country can address the communists and the real threats . Like biological attacks on this country etc . Read up and read some of the reveals along those lines . Much is being done , but spending time on issues that won’t do anything but sound like a crow making noise won’t defeat the enemy. I would rather do what I’m doing and stay tuned much more reveal coming . God bless America

Zulu cello
Zulu cello
3 years ago
Reply to  Richard

Also, the current posture of our thoughts on that and time spent on that takes our eye off the ball which are communists. Tearing down our own pillars helps their battle . That’s a pysop get with it, you reinforce what they say when you attack a pillar of America. Pull the Americans together the communists will run and hide. Chop each up we have nothing to fight with . Don’t give into their pysop – you do know about pysops correct ? Right now there are competing agendas with the communists and if we hold together they will implode on themselves. Lead lead lead , much is being done you don’t know about – I have and do know the plans of communists- been dealing with them for a long long time
I will tell you this smile – it’s about over for them –

Zulu cello
Zulu cello
3 years ago
Reply to  Richard

Also, the current posture of our thoughts on that and time spent on that takes our eye off the ball which are communists. Tearing down our own pillars helps their battle . That’s a pysop get with it, you reinforce what they say when you attack a pillar of America. Pull the Americans together the communists will run and hide. Chop each up we have nothing to fight with . Don’t give into their pysop – you do know about pysops correct ? Right now there are competing agendas with the communists and if we hold together they will implode on themselves. Lead lead lead , much is being done you don’t know about – I have and do know the plans of communists- been dealing with them for a long long time
I will tell you this smile – it’s about over for them –
America and Americans are the strongest and best peoples on earth never forget it !

Cynthia Rice-Tims
2 years ago
Reply to  Zulu cello

The incredible problem I have with your statement, “honoring the Office of the President,” is this my friend, Biden is not our duly elected President. Never forget that! If we brush off the coup the Democrats pulled off, with such voter fraud a child could see though it, we will never have the process of electing those who govern us. The rig is in.
Your grandfather was of the Greatest Generation, and I figure you’re late 50’s to 60’s, as am I. Ours generation still highly honorable, honest, love for family nation and our neighbor. Sir, those days are gone, possible never to return because of the slow methodical years the Communist have been at work in all realms of this great land, in government, education, entertainment, technology, religion, and the medical/health industry. Now that they have achieved their plan, Marxism is on the fast track of the last leg of their race, and exponentially exploding in every direction, outward and upward. Again, give No Respect to what was previously known as, The Office of the President. I will pray to my Lord and Savior for His mercy and grace, but if He holds it back, the Tribulation indeed has begun and I’ll fight for Him till my last breath. Maranatha

Zulu cello
Zulu cello
3 years ago

Clarification I do not consider the above leaders ( sand kickers ) you will know them when you see and hear them –
God bless America

R.A. Carlton
R.A. Carlton
3 years ago

Thank you for standing up in defense of our country gentlemen, but also for our respective service brethren. I would have been happy to serve under your command(s) anytime; anywhere.


R.A. Carlton
SSgt – USAF (ret.)

Zulu cello
Zulu cello
3 years ago

Clarification the above signees I do not consider to be “ sand kickers” sand kickers are those that abuse others –

JoAnne Sebastino
JoAnne Sebastino
3 years ago

Thank each and everyone of you for your service and this much needed letter for all the American Patriots out there to read and share. It truly is a shame what the far Left are doing to America and also what they are not doing for Israel. This is all going to come to a head and it’s not going to be good for the New Woke Regime. President Donald Trump will continue to be our President, I say this because the 2020 Election was stolen, which means President Trump is still our President. Just wanted to say Thank God for our Military men and women who scarifies everything for our Constitution and what America stands for. God Bless you All, God Bless our Veterans, God Bless America. Thank You.

Zulu cello
Zulu cello
3 years ago

I wanted to tell you a story when I was younger – had my young daughters and wife in tow . We waited 5 hours to pay respect to President Reagan who was in the capital building. We spoke with Mr. Brady who was shot when President Reagan was shot .
If you remember attacks on President Reagan’s intellectual ability were flinging everywhere .
However, when he went to see The leader of the USSR to visit Mikhail Gorbachev, he stopped at Karl Marx university, and received a 27 minute standing ovation . He had the full weight and respect of the Office of the President of the United States behind him . How we get to that point again is the quest all Americans need to go on . This country and our people can do anything in the name of freedom. Oppression has no room in the USA and those whom are pushing it are not good Americans that is plane and simple.

James Booth
James Booth
3 years ago

I read your letter and support you all 100%. I agree President TRUMP is still our POTUS. Everybody in the USA should know that the 2020 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION was stolen by both foreign and domestic enemies. This can not be allowed and has to be corrected before this REPUBLIC can move on. Justice will be done and GOD will prevail.

Zulu Cello
Zulu Cello
3 years ago

So you understand this battle upon us is the test of the American will. I think LTG Thomas McInerney, USAF, ret. RADM put it the best it’s our D-Day, my point is America and our pillars are us we’re Americans. This nonsense that one type of American hurts another is communist pysop. Civil rights we all need to do better, and all do better in helping each each other. Let me tell you why we are all going to need each other. The communists are coming those on their side will turn your American card in and goose step. Identify the enemy look down the rode a bit. A strong United people like America can take on any oppression from anywhere. No my head isn’t in the sand – it’s where it should be directly glued on the communists. So think of it long term and you will see safeguarding our way of life and pillars help defend.

Zulu cello
Zulu cello
3 years ago

So on this website Mr. Johnson posted a article about the military leaders warning against Chinas expansion . Mostly in Africa, we need to pull the curtain back and degree our response with what Chinas movements are revealing. They have internal conflict within their country. I say that because their peoples have had a taste of freedom. I also say that because they have to manage far more people then us. In the end China needs the USA. We are their best customer so we gauge our response on just that. If they think they are poised just enough to try conflict which I doubt then it’s to late. I however feel like the more United we become as Americans not butchering our constitution then the more leverage we have in lowering the chance of conflict.
Social agenda driven communists are in compete with hard liners , and realists , not all communists reside in China be so advised. In the end of the social agenda communists interfere with hard liners , and realists they will in a quasi manner be in concert with us. To the degree as such those whom have betrayed the country will have to be brought to justice. The ship needs to be set with proper coordinates. If we sail with the goal of preserving the American way of life and face the onslaught, we can minimize the risk of conflict and as a whole keep the ship sailing straight. That’s our duty as Americans and it will be a tough task. Enormous amounts of money are involved and the battle is multi tipped with kinetic actions taking place , and organic agendas being put in place for control. Force the issue demand your rights to be followed. Expect and demand that our leaders follow the constitution.

Rebecca J O'Brien
Rebecca J O'Brien
3 years ago

I’m praying , I’m so happy to see that our hero’s are bringing out the truth of what is going on in our beautiful country. Thank you. I’m absolutely terrified we will be a communist lead country by 2024. I am doing all I can, letters, calls trying to speak to young people. With the countries of all media this war on Americans will be very hard to fight against, but I have complete faith in our true hero’s that love America. God bless you all and God bless the United States of America. ????????

Zulu cello
Zulu cello
3 years ago

I will honor my oath until my last breath ! If indeed our flag is changed or replaced – that will be the indication – the communists do not care if we know – I fully expect that attempt –
We have communists actors inside our country –

Americans for Intelligence Reform